Sunday, September 19, 2010

Enchantment... Again.

I am currently reading two books: one nonfiction, one fiction. The fiction book I've read before, and I love it. It's Enchantment by Orson Scott Card. It's also a romance, with plenty of fantasy. Before the male readers of my blog zone out, it's written mostly from the guy's point of view.
The main character is Ivan - or Vanya, or Itzak. He's a Russian Jew born in the 1970's. But, he moves to the US by the age of eleven. He's multilingual, and most of the book is written when Ivan is in his early twenties.
If I had to describe the book in three words, it would be romantic culture shock. It's like a modern day version of Sleeping Beauty, except this isn't for those under the age of ten. Ivan is the 'prince', who defeats a bear and kisses Katerina, 'Sleeping Beauty'. Though, Katerina is from 870 AD - and doesn't speak a written language. Poor Ivan has to marry her, and help her to save her kingdom from Baba Yaga.
I really like this book. It's in my top 50 or so. I got it for my birthday, but I read it for the first time two or three years ago. I've read it since then, but I got sick of the library copy, and asked for it for my birthday. It's an amazing book.
Be warned if you decide to read it: the first chapter will shock you. It's not really for the fainthearted - it can get gross.


  1. Hmm, I might have to read that book, it sounds very interesting. But I have a question, how can Ivan marry Katerina if she's from 87o AD? Does he go back in time, or something of that nature?

  2. I was thinking the same think Steph. I am adding that to my small list of things to read.

  3. He does go back in time - sort of. Then he comes back for a while, with Katerina. Then something else happens.
    Right now, in the book, Ivan is teaching Katerina to make Molotov cocktails.

  4. Oh, molotov cocktails, that's lovely!

    On an unrelated note, I think the words that you have to type before you post a comment are funny!

  5. That sounds really good! I might have to go pick up a copy at my library!

  6. I know you can find it at the Holland, Saugatuck and Grand Haven libraries. Grand Haven has a really bad copy though.
