Someone commented last week that many of the poems through poem a day are disturbing/gross/weird. I agree, but I like about half of them. Some I even like enough to go into my notebook on (found here (hopefully)). What does this say about my poetry tastes? Interesting question to ponder... I already know that I will read long and/or depressing books. I guess the same applies for poetry.
Favorites so far from poem a day: My love is as a fever, longing still and Self portrait as Thousandfurs.
I reread Sick by Shel Silverstein to add it to my collection, and it made me laugh the however many time 'round. Go check it out if you haven't read it.
I only have three more books to go on my Tamora Pierce marathon, and my English teacher is offering a candy reward for the person who reads the most pages in my English class...
Last thing: My stepdad found a book of Robert Frost poetry that I'm going to start soon, and I've decided that he is my second favorite poet, first being Edgar Allen Poe. The Bronte sisters are good, too. Funny - I just noticed, in listing my fav poets, that all of them were depressed at some point in their life. Hmm.