Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Princess Bride (the book)

I sure hope that at least half of you have seen the Princess Bride. It's an okay movie, very funny, with it's most famous line being "Inconceivable!". The book is just as good, if not better. I think it's better. The book itself is satirical, and there are notes at the beginning and the end (and the middle) from William Goldman, who supposedly abridged it from S. Morgenstern's huge edition.
I looked it up on Wikipedia - William Goldman wrote it.
In the movie, the beginning starts with a grandfather reading it to his grandson, so I decided I would read it to my little friend Rose, who I babysit for frequently. I showed her the cover, and she was so so on it, but I told her I would start it while she unloaded the dishwasher (one of her chores). I continued to read throughout making dinner, and when dinner was done and on the table, she wanted me to keep reading. She loved and she's nine - I didn't finish it for her. It's long, and my voice was wearing out after the thirty pages we read. I am now about a third of the way through, and my mom told me I had to do all my homework and take a shower before reading any more.
I thought that was supremely unfair - after all, I have tomorrow off, and it's not like I'm watching awful (read: somehow not worthy of humans) TV shows. I could've read for twenty more minutes....
I'm at the part where Vizzini just died and 'the man in black' is yelling at Buttercup. The man in black hasn't announced himself as Westley yet.

1 comment:

  1. I"ve never seen The Princess Bride, or read it! It sounds wonderful though, from all I've heard of it. Also, I quite agree about TV. Especially the reality show kind *shudders* It's one of the many factors, I feel, contributing to the intellectual decline of America...
