Sunday, February 27, 2011

The End of Romeo and Juliet

I read the rest of the play today before church, so when one of my friends walked into our Sunday school room (where I was reading) I had my fingers in my ears mouthing Shakespeare, and I immediately burst out with "What? Lady Montague dies?". She was very confused. I was too - I had misread the sentence. Then, after continuing reading, I read the last line aloud. The people listening looked at me like I was crazy.
Either way, I really liked the play. I don't care about other people's (read: the people in my class I wish to smack) ideas that enjoying Shakespeare makes someone a geek (or a nerd) - I liked it.
So, Juliet faked her death, Romeo missed his letter, Paris died at Romeo's hand, and Romeo died. Wonderful, happy ending. At least the Capulets and the Montagues made up.
I still think Romeo and Juliet should've run away and not died.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why? R&J Act Three

Time jump - from going to get married to after being married for an hour. I would have liked to see the wedding.
Tybalt killed Mercutio. Romeo killed Tybalt. What a way to get to know their in-laws. Why did they have to kill each other? But that's what makes it a tragedy... Everybody dies.
I want the Nurse to live. (If you know whether she lives or dies, don't ruin it for me please.) I like the Nurse. I also liked Mercutio a little, but Benevolio is nicer.
I didn't like how Romeo said his love for Juliet made him effeminate. No. I strongly disagree with that. I'm starting to really appreciate Juliet, though. She's a very headstrong woman for a romance story, especially a Shakespearean romance, from what I know.
Romeo or Juliet?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pain and R&J

I have the day off today, so I went ice skating during my normal homework time yesterday. It was lots of fun - I only fell twice! Except for a slight problem: I fell really hard n my wrist. We don't think it's broken - going in for an x-ray today. It still hurts like the dickens. So, last night I iced my hand and read Act Two of R&J (and typing is really annoying with one hand)...
At least the jokes distracted me. And, it is Valentine's Day.
So, Romeo fell out of love with Rosaline and head over heels in love with Juliet. He forgot Rosaline insanely quickly. And also, they're getting married two days after they met. Isn't that a little fast? So far, I like the nurse and Benevolio the best. I'm curious to see this part of the movie.
Favorite characters, anyone?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

R&J Act One

I know the basic plot line of Romeo and Juliet (they fall in love, their parents hate each other, they die), but I never knew that Romeo loved someone before Juliet. I also never knew that Shakespeare wrote such, for lack of a different word, bawdy jokes (look up Act 1 Scene 3 on if you don't believe me).
I'm enjoying R&J so far, after I got used to the language. I had to keep a dictionary (aka my computer) next to me the whole time. Still, Rosaline fascinates me. Paris, not so much. Juliet's Nurse is a good character, though.
Random thought: Has anyone else realized that on Sims 2, some of the preprogrammed characters (and their relationships) mirror R&J, and A Midsummer Night's Dream? It's in one of the cities that comes with the game.