Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why? R&J Act Three

Time jump - from going to get married to after being married for an hour. I would have liked to see the wedding.
Tybalt killed Mercutio. Romeo killed Tybalt. What a way to get to know their in-laws. Why did they have to kill each other? But that's what makes it a tragedy... Everybody dies.
I want the Nurse to live. (If you know whether she lives or dies, don't ruin it for me please.) I like the Nurse. I also liked Mercutio a little, but Benevolio is nicer.
I didn't like how Romeo said his love for Juliet made him effeminate. No. I strongly disagree with that. I'm starting to really appreciate Juliet, though. She's a very headstrong woman for a romance story, especially a Shakespearean romance, from what I know.
Romeo or Juliet?


  1. Exactly, where's the wedding? What do you mean Romeo or Juliet? Clearly Juliet is superior.

  2. Juliet is pretty independent. However, Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing is also pretty awesome. She kicks butt on more than one occasion.

  3. Jenna, I meant only in R&J.
    Clara, I meant which does everyone reading this like better. Clearly, it's Juliet.
