Sunday, February 27, 2011

The End of Romeo and Juliet

I read the rest of the play today before church, so when one of my friends walked into our Sunday school room (where I was reading) I had my fingers in my ears mouthing Shakespeare, and I immediately burst out with "What? Lady Montague dies?". She was very confused. I was too - I had misread the sentence. Then, after continuing reading, I read the last line aloud. The people listening looked at me like I was crazy.
Either way, I really liked the play. I don't care about other people's (read: the people in my class I wish to smack) ideas that enjoying Shakespeare makes someone a geek (or a nerd) - I liked it.
So, Juliet faked her death, Romeo missed his letter, Paris died at Romeo's hand, and Romeo died. Wonderful, happy ending. At least the Capulets and the Montagues made up.
I still think Romeo and Juliet should've run away and not died.


  1. Montague: Alas, my liege, my wife is dead tonight;/Grief of my son's exile hath stopp'd her breath (Act 5, Scene 3) (AKA Page 113)

    She is dead, isn't she? Am I disappointed for nothing? But anyway, I also liked that play. A tragic ending? Maybe, but it was satisfying to see everyone else realizing they should drop this ancient grudge.

  2. I agree that they should've ran away instead of dying!
