Sunday, March 6, 2011

Finally, my Final Thoughts on Romeo and Juliet

I really enjoyed Romeo and Juliet. Juliet was my second favorite character (I really liked Mercutio), partly because she was so practical. Shakespeare's language gave me the most trouble, and I frequently, after I read someone's monologue, I had no clue what was said. Once I got into the rhythm of iambic pentameter, though, it was easier. Shakespeare obviously didn't write for a middle school audience - there's marriage (and the morning after), death, poison, and what would probably have been considered lewd/bad language. If he was writing for today's middle school audience, he probably would've used smaller words and less iambic pentameter. The story line could've been mostly the same, except perhaps with Romeo and Juliet dating instead of marrying. I also have a much different view on the play then at first, especially after I read The Juliet Club, which was a modern spinoff of Romeo and Juliet meets Taming of the Shrew. Romeo and Juliet was definitely a great play.


  1. YES! Win for Mercutio! I was also confused after someone's monologue, they just seemed to go on and on, but I usually picked up the jist of what they were saying ;)

  2. Haha, yeah, this play was probably considered r-rated and completely inapperiopiate for young ladies to see beck then.
