Sunday, October 10, 2010

Other Fun Reading

I finished a Judy Blume book that I was reading, which I liked, but didn't love. I had found it in a bookstore in Wisconsin. It's Summer Sisters.
More exciting, I read Ways to Live Forever by Sally Nicholls. It was amazing. In it, there's an eleven year old boy (Sam) with leukemia for the third time. His chemotherapy wasn't doing anything, and the doctors thought he had a year to live. Maybe. It's a chronicle of his lists, questions, and his journal. His best friend with leukemia, Felix, also plays a big part. I don't want to give away the ending, but many of you can guess. I cried. Worth checking out, but warning, it's a tearjerker.
Even more exciting: I have been looking for the Companion Quartet by Julia Golding series for the past eighteen months. I finally found them, and am on the fourth (and final) book. It's fantasy, about a girl (named Connie) who finds out that she is the only universal in existence. It's really hard to explain, but she is a companion to all mythical creatures, while most other members of the Society have one companion species. I like Dr. Brock, who's a Dragon Companion, for example. Ultimately, there's an evil shapeshifter named Kullervo who wants to banish all humans except for companions, who plays as the antagonist.


  1. I have never read any of these but ill look into the companion quartet

  2. I read strange books. But most are good.
