Thursday, December 30, 2010

Man in the Moon Marigolds - Done!

I finished Man in the Moon Marigolds - finally. It took a long car ride, but it's done (I was procrastinating). I enjoyed the end a whole lot better than the beginning. The first act, I was really confused. Then I finished it and reread the first act, and it made so much more sense.

I think Tillie was completely sane, just a little eccentric, but I'm worried for her sister Ruth and Beatrice. Beatrice is really mean, really weird, and I think she may be an alcoholic. I think that Ruth picked up some of her mother's crazies. Her seizures could be a problem, too. Though, her seizures could be a way for her to get attention from her mother. I loved the ending, what Tillie said about the atom.

Somehow, it was easier to read on my bedroom floor than a highway in the middle of Illinois, but it was a lot more interesting compared to the view out my window.

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